Learning Center
A Tu B’Shevat Meditation
Did Moses have trouble delegating responsibility? Was he afraid to let others help him?
The Magazine
How Nissim Black overcame a troubled past of drugs, violence and crime to seek spirituality and use music to spread goodness and faith.
Family life is a piece of art in of itself. It’s all about taking people, placing them on the same canvas, and making them interact in a way that creates a beautiful combination of personalities. It’s...
My siblings and I have never been super close, but until now we’ve gotten along fairly well. However, this inheritance has brought out the worst in us, and we have come to the point that we aren’t spe...
Dear Reader,
“My children are constantly fighting,” laments Susan, a mother of three. “They bicker about the size of their dinner portions. They argue over whose turn it is to do a chore. They fight over who is smarter or friendlier. Will there ever be peace in my home?”
This week’s Torah reading, Yitro, records the momentous event of the Jewish people receiving the Torah.
“In thethi...
Like all of creation, we have the ability to procreate, to produce progeny “in our own kind.” But unlike all other creatures, we were given additional intellectual powers to unravel the secrets of creation—to harness the inherent powers of nature for our own purposes.
— A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Handy Household Hacks
Cola for Cleaning
Clean your toilet using cola. Pour in a can and leave for 30 minutes. Flush, and your toilet bowl will be sparkling clean.
The Opportunist
To the Pessimist, Optimist and Realist: While you were busy evaluating the cup of water, I went ahead and drank it. Sincerely, the Opportunist.
Candle Lighting Times
Candle Lighting Times
Parshat Yitro
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