By the numbers: as of December 2021
Over 7350 Counselling & Support Hours As the pandemic continues and these times are very challenging on many different levels, a listening ear, some good advice & emotional support are crucially important & vital. Our clergy (Rabbis and Rebbetzins) continue to spend hours one-on-one assisting & guiding in the best way they can. |
23734 Pantry meals & gift cards distributed to date... The food is baked & cooked in our Marvin & Leslie Levant Commercial Kosher Kitchen. All handling of food is done with extreme sanitary conditions following all current CDC and AHS protocols and beyond. (For the period of March 2020 through December 2021) |
618 Pantry families reached to date... The Faigel Shapiro Kosher Pantry is committed to helping every individual and family have all their needs met during these challenging times, including Delicious Kosher food! |
2500 Families reached to date to provide emotional support and help during these challenging times. This excludes meals. |
Over 2000 Volunteer Hours by over 150 Volunteers and counting helping our community and making a huge difference. |
250 Meals each week are expected to be distributed. |
10750 Meals and Gift Cards are expected to be distributed between June and December 2021. |
4500 Families are expected to be reached to provide help and support during these challenging times (excluding meals). |
In her provincial address on December 10th 2020, Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw mentioned how Chabad Alberta distributed 2,500 Chanukah Gift Kits throughout Alberta and how "light can push darkness away." Dr. Hinshaw brings up Chabad's efforts at the five minute mark.