Purim is a time of giving.
On Purim day, it is a mitzvah to give charity to at least two needy fellow Jews (this is known as matanot l'evyonim). Ideally, this should be done by giving money to people in your community on Purim day.
This Purim, we at Chabad will be delivering packages with fresh kosher meals to individuals and families in need throughout our community. Meals are provided by The Faigel Shapiro Kosher Pantry and produced in the Marvin and Leslie Levant Community Kitchen.
With the current situation & plight of our brethren in Ukraine we will be sending some of the funds to Chabad of Ukraine to help them with their relief efforts.
In addition there is the option to sponsor the various Purim programs at Chabad this year, including the Calgary Yachad Hebrew School Purim Celebration, the CTeen Purim-in-PJ's Party, Megilla readings, etc. If sponsoring, please make note of it in the comments section below.
Please join us and donate money to the poor this Purim.