New Season Starting
monday, In G‑d's Image Spreading a Message of Universal, G‑dly Morality Historically, Jews have kept to themselves. But times they are a-changin', and we now have the unprecedented opportunity to be a "light unto the nations." Drawing inspiration from Noach, this lesson provides a most edifying message to shout from the rooftops: you are a literal part of G‑d; act accordingly!
Monday, Religion Is Difficult and Unnatural. And That's Exactly How It's Supposed to Be Appreciating the Passion and Energy of Earned Love After leading a somewhat religious lifestyle for decades on end, you would expect things to get a bit easier, right? Wrong. Well, if you're looking for a boring and dry relationship with G‑d, then maybe. But if you're looking for something deeper, welcome aboard.
Monday, 'Excuse Me, Are You Jewish?' The Inestimable Value of a Single, 'Coerced' Mitzvah You may have been stopped in the street by an inspired young boy or girl with the question, "Are you Jewish? Would you like to put on tefilin or light this Shabbat candle?" But what's the point of doing a mitzvah just to get a young kid off your back? Abraham's actions long ago provide the answer.
monday, Light up the World Shabbat Candles Is not Just a Romantic Ritual There are many ways to work toward a just and moral society. The most tried and tested way begins at home: instilling values in the next generation. The sacred glow of Shabbat is far more than just an antecedent to a lightbulb; it is a spiritual light that burns brightly in the minds and hearts of everyone in the home.
monday, See No Evil, Eradicate Evil How to Avoid Negative Talk and Bring Out the Best in Others Gossip, slander, and the rumor mills are objectively pernicious things to avoid. But what do we do about all the bad actors out there? For decades, our forefather Isaac suffered from blindness to teach us all an invaluable lesson: there's always something good to see in someone else, and if we can find it, maybe they will, too.
monday, Are Jews Supposed to be Sheepish? Lessons from the Shepherding Habits of Our Forefathers. It's Not What You Think The stereotypical image of the meek Jew who favors the study hall or the home is a bane for many. "No, we can fight, too! We can hold our own!" is common pushback. Our forefathers' obsession with sheep, of all animals, teaches us the perfect blend of humility and strength.
monday, Bar and Bat Mitzvah: Too Young? A Jewish Conception of Maturity and Adulthood "Mazel tov! You're now an adult," said everyone's friends and uncles. But aren't twelve and thirteen far too young for such a statement to be really true? The counterintuitive story in the Torah that provides this age bracket tells us what "maturity" in Jewish thought is really about.
monday, Shabbat All Week Long Bringing the Inspiration of Shabbat into the Workweek Did you know that the ancient custom of a wedding ring is rooted in a dramatic biblical story of betrayal and childbirth? And did you know that wedding rings are connected to Shabbat and the workweek as well? Discover the mystical meaning of the wedding ring and how it can infuse meaning into the mundane workweek.
monday, Introducing Peace to a Fractured World How the Torah's G‑dly Message Is the True Recipe for World Peace If there's anything people have wished for from the proverbial genie in the bottle, it's "world peace." Yet, after thousands of years, it still eludes us. From a technical law about which candle to choose over the other - Shabbat or Chanukah - we emerge with a powerful elixir to cure our fractured world.
monday, Suffering from Religious Fatigue? Dip into the Reserves There' a Whole Cache of Passion Waiting for You Sometimes, you're just listless and tired out. Spirituality, religion, or anything of that sort just isn't talking to you. How do you proceed? Thousands of years ago, Joseph collected money in Egypt and buried it. We're still discovering that stash today - and it can help your fatigue.
monday, Getting the Job Done: Marks of a True Leader When It Comes to Leadership, Results Matter Leadership seminars abound, but is there one quality that lies at the core of it all? A study on the contrast between two great leaders - Reuben and Judah - cuts to the heart of the matter: to lead is to know, to care, and to put yourself aside until the job is done.