The Chabad Lubavitch Youth Centre has recently dedicated its Computer lab to
Mr. Leonard & Faigel Shapiro, in celebration of Faigel’s 75th birthday! The computer lab has been renamed to the “Leonard & Faigel Shapiro’s Computer Lab”.
In honour of this special dedication, the Shapiro’s donated eight new computers with flat panel monitors for the children to enjoy. The computers are loaded with high tech Jewish software so children can learn Hebrew and many Jewish concepts in a modern way.
The dedication took place during the Camp Gan Israel 2009 summer session. The children expressed their thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro for the wonderful computer lab they can now enjoy and use.
For more information about the Chabad Lubavitch Youth Centre, please visit
Hundreds Enjoy Holidays at Chabad
During the last month many holidays and feelings came and went through our lives. From a more serious tone on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, to happiness and joy on Sukkos and Simchas Torah. Chabad Lubavitch had programs for all ages throughout the holiday season.
High Holidays
Levi and Rivki Kumer all the way from New York directed and ran the youth programs for the High Holidays at the Chabad Lubavitch Youth Centre. Youth programs were held throughout services,
which created an enjoyable atmosphere for parents knowing that their children were occupied and entertained with a wholesome, educational, hands on and exciting holiday program.
Every child received a ‘Kiddie Machzor’ (Holiday prayer book) to join along. They sang prayers together like Adon Olam, Shema and holiday songs. The chidren joined Rabbi Matusof and the congregation for important prayers and Shofar blowing, where they were able to play an active role in services. There was a ‘Mom and Tot’ play room for the younger children with constant supervision and lots of fun!
Over 100 children participated in the programs. This year’s highlight was Jewish Wonder Puppet Theatre with 6 interactive Educational Shows throughout the High Holidays.
On the first night of sukkos, over 120 people attended the 21st Annual Open Sukkah. Everyone enjoyed kiddush, chalah, salads, l’chaim, dancing and more. For the remainder of Sukkos there was a ‘Sukkos Joy’ every night with refreshments, l’chaim and dancing in a Sukkah at different community homes.
On the second day of Sukkos, over 60 individuals in the Woodbine/Woodlands area and Jewish Community Apartments had the opportunity to shake the Lulav and Esrog. The project was
coordinated by Yossi Matusof and Danny Shimonov together with the help of volunteers.
During the intermediate days of Sukkos the ‘Sukkah on the GO’ traveled to various locations throughout Calgary, including U of C, Mount Royal University, JCC and Downtown. The ‘Sukkah on the GO’ enabled hundreds of people to share the joy of Sukkos, have a Lulav Shake and of course have a snack in the Sukkah! Many people expressed their thanks to Chabad for offering this incredible service to Calgarians throughout the city.
Saturday Night Live - Simchas Torah
Saturday Night Live - Simchas Torah was once again a great hit. The parents and children enjoyed a joyous and lively evening with Kiddush, refreshments, l’chaim and dancing. The Torahs were danced with all evening. Each of the seven Hakafot was dedicated to a different theme, which gave everyone an opportunity to join/lead in the Hakafot services. The evening concluded with dancing with the Torahs on Woodpark Blvd! – a Calgary tradition.
The Calgary JLI (Jewish Learning Institute)
Throughout the Holiday season, the Calgary JLI offered 58 classes and programs. some of the topics and programs included High Holiday prayer series, laws and customs of the holidays, practical & Mystical meaning of the holidays and more.
The Calgary JLI also had special programs for the Jewish students of Mount Royal University and U of C, which included Lulav Shakes & L’chaim in the Chabad PopUp sukkah on campus ground & a Chabad/Hillel Shabbaton at the home of Rabbi & Mrs. Groner.
Helping the Needy
In the effort of helping those in need, especially this time of the year, when everyone celebrates, Chabad has helped 27 families and individuals with holiday needs such as food, clothing and cash to a total of $2984.00. This was made possible by the contributions to the High Holiday Fund, and in particular by a special donation from Leonard & Faigel Shapiro. Thank You!
Chabad Lubavitch would like to thank all its staff and dedicated volunteers who took of their time and energy to make this holiday season the success that it was!